The discovery has been published and is gathering interest!

Originally posted to the old blog on 12/3/2015:

I should probably create a Facebook page for Harmonigenic Corporation now that the discovery has been published so people can more easily Like and Share. I am very happy with the partnership I have with Ed Brown III, Ph.D. and the University of Rochester. Check out this story here: 



2nd Place Finish in Innovating In Healthcare Business Plan Competition

Originally posted on the old blog on 4/14/15:

On April 10th 2014, I saw a poster presentation of scientific results that changed my direction. I had joined a course offered by Regina E. Herzlinger, Nancy R. McPherson Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. It was an online course offered on the Harvardx platform. I was part of a team hoping to be admitted to the private 100 team Business Plan competition. After seeing the poster, I presented the idea of commercializing this new discovery as the focus of our Business Plan to the team. A couple months later, after a great deal of hard work, we were voted 2nd place out of 100 by our peers. The prize was a consultation with Professor Herzlinger and as I realized during the conference call, Professor Herzlinger had also invited Kevin A. Schulman, MD, MBA, (a professor of medicine and the Gregory Mario and Jeremy Mario Professor of Business Administration at Duke University) to join us to provide specific advice and answer our questions about moving forward. After that call, I decided to follow the plan.



 For the course we called ourselves MetaCare but due to potential market confusion and the similarity to MediCare we incorporated as Harmonigenic™ Corporation. The use of MetaCare was part of a private course and is used here only for historical reasons. Below is the video we used to get people to read our 25 page business plan. Enjoy!